SwissEUC - 22. Oktober 2024 - Zürich

Event Sponsor 

Sponsor Session:
The Workspot Workplace Platform (DE)

Thomas Schmidt Glauche - Sales Leader EMEA
Christian T. Drieling - Senior Sales Engineering Leader DACH

Workspot wird eine Demo der Workplace Platform (Cloud Native VDI & Published Apps) sowie eine anschliessende Q & A Session durchführen.


Digicomp Academy AG, Limmatstrasse 50, 8005 Zürich, Schweiz

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Gold Sponsoren


Introduction to MSIX in 30 minutes +  Demo

Ingmar Verheij  - Technologist @

An introduction to the world of MSIX. What does this wonderful application format bring to the world of EUC, what are the caveats and tips and tricks are shared along the way,.

Azure Dev Box - Cloud Workstation for Developers (DE)


Pratheep Sinnathurai - Azure Engineer @ baseVISION AG

In this Session I will explain what Azure Dev Box is and how you can provide your developers self-service access to ready to code cloud workstations.

Silber Sponsoren


13:00 Welcome
13:15 Sponsor Session: The Workspot Workplace Platform (DE)
13:45 Introduction to MSIX (EN)
14:45 Break
Azure Dev Box - Cloud Workstation for Developers (DE)
16:00 Tech Talk
17:00 Apéro